The sun has gone out in the Marvel Universe throwing the world into disarray.The Sentry/Void absorbed all the Sun's energy and then jetted off to explode another 999,999 suns (in order to regain the power of 1,000,000 Exploding suns). He will have to be dealt with at the end of the story(cue: Cold As Ice- Foreigner).

Black Bolt is enraged, how dare humans treat his people as commodities(cue: We're Not Gonna Take It- Twisted Sister). Especially since they would have gladly offered help freely. He coordinates a rescue mission where the other Inhumans teleport in, grab the children and teleport away. Once they are clear Black Bolt, standing on the New Jersey Side of the George Washington Bridge inhales deeply and unleashes a scream designed to level the entire city of New York, and likely create seismic disturbances across the entire world(cue: It's The End of The World as We Know It-R.E.M.).

We see the sound waves ripping the bridge into pieces and creating a massive tidal wave in the Hudson River as it expands outward. Suddenly everything goes silent and into slow motion. (Cue: The Final Countdown-Europe) A stage rises from the ground with speakers as tall as apartment buildings and Dazzler poised ready to rock the city of New York. Just as the intro is nearing it's end the speakers tilt straight to the sky. The sound wave hits the stage just as the song picks up. Dazzler's power turns all the sound into light and funnels it straight into the sky! Blackbolt yells again and again but is continually rebuffed by the power of Dazzler's rocking (cue: I Wanna Rock-Twisted Sister).

Using her superspeed, Spitfire circles behind the resting Blackbolt with her superspeed and, using her vampire enhanced strength, flings Medusa far away. The fatigued Blackbolt doesn't notice. Spitfire, doing her best Medusa impression, seductively reaches out to the collapsed Blackbolt, "I've got just the thing to perk you up"

He turns around in slow motion, expecting to see his loving queen(cue:The Power of Love- Huey Lewis & the News), only to have Spitfire punch him in the face (Sound Effect:Record Scratch; Cue:Never Gonna Give You Up-Rick Astley) "You just got Rick-Rolled, Bitch!"

Blackbolt spits the blood from his lips- the sound is enough to send Spitfire flying backwards into the pylons of the bridge, knocking her unconscious. "But I just wanted to heeelllpp..." She passes out (Cue:Wake me up before you Go-Go-Wham!)

Black Bolt, collapsed from the sheer strain on his vocal chords, stands up with resolve for one final attack. Dazzler is clearly filled with self doubt and feeling very alone. She was so involved in rocking that she did not realize that all her friends have left to get her more backup, only that they are gone! (cue:Owner of a Lonely Heart-YES)

SUDDENLY, Quicksilver appears with the Power Pack, dressed a coordinated wardrobe with big hair and choreographed dance moves. (cue: The Right Stuff- New Kids on the Block). Dazzler is inspired and rises with new energy. "I just have to believe in myself!" (Cue: Don't Stop Believing-Journey).

BlackBolt unleashes a final yell, just as Living on a Prayer (reprise) reaches it's climactic scream. Dazzler grabs the mic, re-energized by Power Pack's musical pep talk, and gives it all she has but is still clearly fading. Cut to the people of New York, all wearing 80's shutter-shades and bright neon parachute pants and sweaters ripped so one shoulder is exposed cheering her on, chanting "Dazzler, Dazzler." Her dream has always been to move from the B-List to become a big star so she screams even harder, energized by the crowd. "Livin' on a PRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYEER!!"

We cut to various locations around the globe where people are celebrating sunlight on their faces (somehow everyone all at the same time even though the earth's rotation does not work that way): Boston(Cue: Peace of Mind-Boston), Chicago (Cue: You're The Inspiration-Chicago), Europe (cue: The Final Countdown-Europe), Kansas City( cue: Carry on My Wayward Son-Kansas), Africa (Cue:Africa-Toto), Asia in general(Cue: Heat of The Moment-Asia), and China in particular (cue:Chinese Democracy-Guns 'N Roses), and of course all the backstreets in the world (cue: I Want It That Way-The Backstreet Boys).

The Inhumans later apologize and everyone laughs about how silly they were all acting in the face of impending apocalypse. They all join in a group hug, now closer than ever(Cue: Keep On Loving You-REO Speedwagon).
Also they defeat the Sentry who has been stricken blind by Dazzler's light show (cue: She Blinded Me With Science- Thomas Dolby). The End.