Monday, August 16, 2010

The Craziest Thing I've Ever Written (So Far)

I wrote this as an email to my ex-girlfriend when I was very drunk after walking in circles for about half an hour talking to myself in this exact manner. It has absolutely no bearing on anything at all. I'm pretty proud of it. I left the typos in to give a sense of context. Enjoy:

"every moment without my powersuit the world's orbit decays. Without the monsters we will soon crash into the sun and teh wolfman will wonder what he ever did to deserve his fate. Truly frankenstein is the jesus of our age for is he nto resurrected in our image to teach us teh lessons of tomorrow and realize our limitations. we are not god but truly as we strive for our potential it is possible to imagein a reality that we define completelye. Mothra fights godzilla, but also our apathy and self-destructive tendency. He can only be sated by the world's largest jacket on which tofeed. Mothra prefers tweed but he will settle for corduroy. I will twitter my feeligns every day until the metaphor transforms into reality and my bird wings carry me away and i fly to happy town with my bluebird friends and sing about seeds. Seeds are planted every day and they bloom into our full potential. I am a sunflower that rotates to follow the sun. A solar battery that generates treates for baseball players i am flying through the cosmic ether that seperates people from each other and keeps them from knowing the innermost thoughts of the world mind. The planets align to bring us closer to perfect being but drive a wdge into the true meaning of togetherness. One day we will udnerstad the workings of the worldclock that drives the events forwad. A time traveller he rarely fought but simply altered events to his liking. When he defetad the stalin-bots of the 51st century he ralized that perhaps there was more to life than travel and decided to settel. it was then his real problems begain for he could no longer run to adiffernet when to escape the pain of everyday existance. The videos of my dancing have been greatly exxagerated but its safe to say i will always be able to break it down in a way tht most hip hoppers can only imagine. They may be hip and they sure can hop but i am awesome and i jump to the stars. Im a one-upper, tubthumper, candlea eating wiz kid with a bright vision of the future nd goggles that let me see into the soul mind of unborn generations ahead. The greatest generation is a misnomer for my cloned offspring will one day rule the world and teach tohers the meaning of loneliness. When the social network became self aware everhoynes status became hivemind and their friends all merged into one with one purpose- to spread and destroy. They knew the writing was on the wall but not being able to post on their wall made them all realize the severity of a world with no individualty. Could a world survive with no transdimensional hyper beings manipulating the economy? He didnt know but he was about to find out- he fired the gravity gun and as the world folded into itself he laughed, for this was nothing compared to finally beating space invaders and finding the hidden secrets on the eleventeenth level of ultimate secrecy. He truly knew completion. If the world is a turnip will a cosmic mario uproot and use it as a weapon upon his enemies- destroying them to prove to the world once and for all that he is superior to luigi despite his weight problem, inability to float, and dminished stature. If he could paint his feelings he would use electric pink and glitter. Unfortunately painting was a secret art lost to all but the most self-deprecating monks who understood the true nature of sacrifice and glory. They were the mechanized elite and used their robot arms to craete works of pure beauty that if gazed upon with anything less than a supercomputer with an imagination engine would make your brain leak out your ears and your nose explode.

good night."

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