Friday, April 20, 2012

Elizabeth Warren Fundraiser 3/21/2012

I went to an Elizabeth Warren Fundraiser a couple weeks ago and if I wasn't enthusiastic about her candidacy before, I certainly am now. Her stump speech encapsulated a lot of what I often talk about when I'm spouting off about what the government should do and the way our country should work. The operative phrase is "Expanding Opportunity." Success doesn't have to be a zero sum game. The more we treat the government as a vehicle through which to invest in our future in ways that are not necessarily directly profitable,such as education or Scientific research that is a valuable public good but may have a low return on investment or high chance of failure, the better off we will be as a country. It's these kinds of investments that led to our competitive advantage in the last century and that we will need to make in this one to stay competitive.

Anyway, Mrs. Warren says it much better than I ever could:

Elizabeth Warren's Stump Speech Part 1
Elizabeth Warren's Stump Speech Part 2 (I got a call that interrupted my crappy iPhone video)

Elizabeth Warren Shmoozin'
My friend Beth meeting Elizabeth
Beth: "I'm from Mass and am going to vote for you" E-Dubs: "Thanks, Dawg!"
Me with EW. Bad picture of me. She looks ecstatic.

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