Neill Cameron, who's a pretty amazing artist, does an advent calendar every year where he draws a different type of Santa every day at the request of his readers. It's called SantaSketchFest and it is pretty great! This drawing is of (Jack) Kirby Santa, requested by my favorite internet writer of all time,
Chris Sims. For those of you not in the know, Jack Kirby co/created the Fantastic Four, the New Gods, most of modern comics as we know them, etc. The type of forced perspective, elaborate costume and "Kirby Dots" in this piece are some of his trademarks. You can see the rest of Neill Cameron's Santas, most of them non-comics related,

As you may have heard, Tron: Legacy is premiering this Friday in theaters around the nation (JK, you definitely know this). This movie was made by Disney, which also owns Marvel. This means Cross-Promotion. Usually this is stupid and lame and it sucks. However, Tron combined with superheroes is so awesome that it overwhelms the cynicism that springs from corporations trying to exploit one type of my nerdery to make money off another type. All of the Marvel/Tron covers can be found
here and, with the exception of that ridiculous Spider-Woman one, they are all awesome. Full disclosure: I'm listening to the Tron: Legacy soundtrack as I type this.

This is an amazing picture by Kid Liger of all the Lantern Corps in the DC Universe currently being featured in Brightest Day and the Green Lantern books. If you don't know what this is, you aren't reading Green Lantern. If you aren't reading Green Lantern, the fuck are you doing with your life? (things that are less awesome than they could be). Point being, it's my desktop background and I don't think it's going to change for a while. via
Bleeding Cool
Does this need an explanation? Seeing as I know nothing about it where it's from, I sure hope not. Two of my favorite things, together at last. Via
my buddy Jack
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