Sunday, January 1, 2012


I saw Despot perform live with Das Racist and he was fucking amazing. He's a short dude with red hair that kind of looks like Mitchell from Modern Family but when he starts rapping he OWNS the stage. He actually led the entire crowd in aerobics at one point, which was hilarious.

Here is some of his music I like:

Look Alive

Crap Artists

There are a lot of amazing tracks out there where he stands out as having the best performance. For example on "Power" off Das Racist's "Relax" he ends what might be the best song on the album with what might be the best verse on the album:

He's also got a great verse on one of the other best tracks of 2011- "The Last Huzzah (Remix)" by Mr. Muthafuckin eXquire Ft. Despot, Das Racist, Danny Brown and EL-P:

From seeing Despot perform live I can tell you he's got wit, charisma and more talent than most rappers out there. The one thing he doesn't have is an album, but that is apparently coming in 2012 with all the beats done by the band Ratatat. If this track is any indication, it is going to be fucking awesome:

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