Thursday, September 9, 2010

More Dolph Lundgren Awesomeness

My friend Rambo told me that Dolph Lundgren is a Swedish Batman. From his wikipedia entry:

"As a teenager he tried judo, Gōjū-ryū and took up Kyokushin karate. Lundgren now holds the rank of 3rd dan black belt in Kyokushin. He won the European championships in 1980 and 1981 as well as a heavyweight tournament in Australia in 1982. He was also captain of the Swedish Kyokushin karate team, and was a formidable challenger at the 1979 World Open Tournament (arranged by the Kyokushin Karate Organization) when he was only a green belt.

He graduated from the Royal Institute of Technology. He has a master's degree in chemical engineering from the University of Sydney (1982). He was awarded aFulbright Scholarship to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1983, but he quit after two weeks to pursue acting. He speaks Swedish, English, Spanish, some German, some French, some Japanese, and some Italian. Lundgren completed his mandatory military service in Sweden at the Amphibious Ranger School. During his service at the elite marine unit (Kustjägarna), he suffered an injury which had him reassigned and separated from his unit."

If he is Batman, he must be from Cartoon Network's 'Batman: The Brave and The Bold', because he has an awesome sense of humor. I would love to see a movie of him as a light-hearted Batman, cracking wise and beating up campy villains. Clock-King, Music Meister, Clue-Master, Gentleman Ghost, etc. My life goal is to now make enough money to bankroll this project. Who's in?

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